Remember that thou hast made me of clay; and wilt thou turn me to dust again?
- Job 10:9

Monday, July 19, 2010

Sufferings of this Present Time

The other day when I was speaking with my mom, we started discussing how anti-christian this country is becoming. It seems to get worse every day. Our leaders rejecting their faith or inventing their own doctrines. Those in authority seemingly poised for the genocide of the unborn.  Those who appear to have power speak fancy words like double tongued serpents. You see how Eden is never that far?  We are continuously allured with lies that seem good but kill us in the end. How long will we buy the lie? I'll tell you. Until we see God, realize our shame, and are kicked out of the garden!

Not only do we have to deal with difficulties in the public square, but we have to deal with everyday struggles to provide a living, care for loved ones, deal with sickness, and manage the demands of the modern world.  How can anyone manage it? How can anyone deal with all this world throws at them and keep their faith, let alone become a saint like we are called to? It just doesn't seem possible if you look at the big picture. No wonder there are so many drug commercials on TV. A country without God needs something to cope.

I think it is time we all stop (and I'm talking to everyone of any faith or none) and look around us. If things are getting worse, what have we changed? Any good company does audits to make sure they catch any problems before it is too late. Well it is just about too late in this country. An honest review would acknowledge that conditions have been getting worse. Sure everyone appears to have a higher standard of living, but in most cases it is just a lie built on debt.

So why so many problems in such a prosperous country? It is because the light of the world has been hiding under a bushel basket, the salt of the earth has lost it's savor. Christ's Church is supposed to bring Christ's life to the world. And we Catholics have been starving ourselves. With only 20% of Catholics attending Mass regularly and receiving the sacraments, there is a deficiency of sanctifying grace in this country. We are only receiving 1/5th of the nourishment we need to bring REAL change in this world. Can you image how you would feel day to day if you cut your diet down to 1/5th?

How long can we endure this? For that faithful remnant, the suffering to be endured can often feel too great.  And despair can start to set in.

We must remember that God's weakness is greater than our strength. So when all the forces of evil, even those brought about by our own neglect or sin, appear ready to charge down on us. There still is no reason to fear. Because it is God's power in the smallest stone of the weakest boy that with one hurl brings down the giant. You see, God uses those who appear insignificant to win the victory. So if you feel insignificant, count yourself fortunate. But remain faithful.  God was only willing to spare Sodom because of the faithful remnant.
And how do we remain faithful? Seek always to grow in your understanding of God (intellect/relationship) such that you may know his will, and continue to receive God's sanctifying grace in the sacraments (food) so you can do his will.

And recall frequently Paul's words to the Romans, "I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us." (Rom. 8:18)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The deceiver is a wolf dressed in sheep clothing, humanly it is sad to see our world become so anti-God. There will come a day when even though we can speak no more of Gods great Love, then is when "even the rocks will cry out" for us.. I pray God will call me to His everlasting Glory before then. The worse things get the sooner Christ will come and Judge the Living and the dead..

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