Yesterday, for some reason, it really hit me how severe the world's hatred for God can be and how powerful God's love is when you would least expect.
I was reading about the First Martyrs of the Church of Rome yesterday on their day of memorial. In case you don't know the story, this month in 64 A.D. (not C.E.) a great fire broke out burning more than half of Rome. When the citizens looked to Emperor Nero as the cause in wanting to expand his palace, Nero in return pointed to the Christians (as human haters). This began a great persecution of the Early Church.

Nero, being absolutely mad and without restraint, did some absolutely unimaginable (you'd think at least) things to Christians all in the name of passing the blame. To use Christians as human torches to light the way for his chariot at night says enough. How could these martyrs do it? How could they bear such evil with such great love? It was because of fire alright. The fire of the Holy Spirit consuming their hearts. A fire that out-burned any torture that could be inflicted upon them.
How much is the love of God burning in your life? Because you know, a lot of things have changed in the last 2000 years, but unfortunately the world's disdain for God isn't one of them.
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