Why doesn't the Catholic Church just give in? Are they that old fashioned and rigid in their ways that they can't even see what is right any more? What is the deal?
Sooner or later, the secular agenda will wear down the rigid idealism of the Pope. Or at least those of a liberal mindset would like to think so.
Gay rights. Reproductive rights (abortion rights). Marriage for priests. Female priests. Gay priests. If radical liberals had their way, the Pope would be a married lesbian with no children because of an exercised right to abort them all, but with a few embryos in the freezer in case they were deemed useful at some point.
Almost everything in the media these days touts how gay marriage is the new pinnacle of a free and virtuous society, how new abortion rights for women finally loose the yoke of childbearing, how secretly gay priests have finally fully realizing their God given vocation, and how the Catholic Church is creating priest pedophiles by requiring celibacy. Yet the Catholic Church still insists on preaching that such things are not right! Why?
Despite the grievous sins of some catholics, the Catholic Church is still guided by the Holy Spirit. 2000 years later. And no matter how sensationalized or scandalized the Church appears to the public eye it WILL NOT change by public opinion. So, if God's Word says that fornicators go to Hell ("lake that burns with fire and sulphur, which is the second death." (Rev. 21:8)) and if God instituted marriage between a man and a woman ("Therefore a man leaves his father and his mother and cleaves to his wife, and they become one flesh." (Gen. 2:24)) then the Church, which is guided by God's same Spirit that inspired the words of scripture, can not accept the gay lifestyle. That would condone something which does not bring life, is contrary to the Gospel, and would make God a hypocrite.
But what about pedophile priests then? They preach love and then go and abuse kids. First, ALL priests are NOT pedophiles. A very small number of priests worldwide have fallen to the same allurement of fornication that many with homosexual attractions fall to. This indeed is a grave evil, and so the Church does not condone it. Individuals in the Church may act as hypocrites, but the Church in no way approves of those actions.
The irony is that as progressive as liberals think they are, they are actually advancing a morally regressive agenda. The Church is the one working to advance a morally progressive agenda. Not an easy task this day and age. And as much as it may drive any liberals crazy the truth is that the Catholic Church is not going to change to accommodate their desires for "reform." The agenda of the Catholic Church is the same today as it was 2000 years ago. To proclaim the truth in a world that hates it.
"And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it." (Matt. 16:18)
Remember that thou hast made me of clay;
and wilt thou turn me to dust again?
- Job 10:9
- Job 10:9
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