Remember that thou hast made me of clay; and wilt thou turn me to dust again?
- Job 10:9

Friday, July 23, 2010

A Divine Shot

As a new father, one of the more difficult realizations I'm coming to is the need to do things to (or allow things to happen to) my children that may hurt them temporarily but be to their benefit in the long run.

So today my daughter goes in for her first big round of vaccinations at the pediatrician. This has been quite an issue of concern for my wife and I as there are many opinions and issues with the subject, including the use of aborted fetal cells in some (good guidance on this subject), but that is another topic for another day. Anyways, even after weighing all the issues and discerning what is best at this point in time, the thing that tares at my heart in the end is the pain of the shots.

I know it is part of life, but when I look at our sweet little girl something inside of me just wants to keep her safe and keep all pain away for the rest of her life. But I know that isn't the reality of the world we live in. She will experience pain and suffering. Some of it will be the result of her decisions and some will not. But my prayer for her is that in the end it be to the benefit of her soul and the glory of God. 

It is quite amazing that God can bring good out of evil. But the thing that strikes me more in this particular instance is how God allows evil or suffering in order to bring a greater good out of it.

Let's take the most extreme example. What is the worst evil in the world? Answer: Deicide (The killing of God). God the Father allowed the killing of his Son so that we could gain redemption and Christ might be glorified. Pretty amazing huh?!

I know my daughter's shots are nothing in comparison to our Lord's crucifixion, but it just reminded me of how throughout our daily lives God allows us to endure different pains and sufferings so that we might grow in holiness. As easy as it may be to talk about, the hardest part from my experience of suffering has been accepting it. How do we embrace our cross? I guess this is a question for each of us personally. 

It must hurt God greatly to see our world in so much pain. That must be why he has prepared such a grand banquet for those who endure till the end.  Kind of like the lolly-pop kids get after shots. It may be tempting to scream and run away and never talk to your parents again because they let you get hurt, but they only allowed it knowing how much worse not getting vaccinated could be.

"For the Lord disciplines him whom he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives." (Heb. 12:6)

What vaccinations have you received lately?

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