We have missed the boat for protecting marriage and family life dependent on it. No, two men raising a child can't offer it the same as a mother and father, but (apart from a distorted understanding of sexuality) whether two men could offer a child more than one woman or one man is a point to be contested. You see marriage has been misunderstood for quite a while based on the strong 50% divorce rate. Gay marriage and adoption were only logical next steps in the disintegration of the family.
So perhaps secular society will completely forget what family is at some point. I mean, what is to stop a man from marrying a robot made to look like a female or a man? I know I have discussed in past posts how contraception is destroying lives (which it is) but I believe the deterioration of the family goes back even further than contraception. I believe the responsibility for this phenomenon rests mostly on the shoulders of Men. Yes, a point could probably be made to point the finger at women too, but men need to be men and stop pointing the finger. Adam should have stood up as the head of his marriage and told Eve to obey the Lord, but instead he just went along with his wife. How many men fail to be good leaders in their families simply out of laziness? How many women would change their minds about having abortions if men really stood up and said they wanted to support their wife and child? How many women would cease to have sex outside of marriage if men stopped using them as objects? Men now-a-days have forgotten their dignity as good strong leaders. We have gone overboard one way or another. Either men become controlling and abusive, or they become woosie push-overs, or they become gay. And men have stopped learning to become men because our fathers have abandoned us.
At this point, half of an entire generation does not know what a real father is or what a real man is. A real man will help his wife to be the best version of herself and gives of his own time and concerns for his family. And in the end, what better could a young naive child ask for than a real father and a real mother who are completely and permanently committed to each other and them for life?!
It is really amazing how beautiful and amazing a real family is. Each person compliments the others, and the relationships formed in genuine love seem to bless others by rippling through the lives of those yet unborn for generations to come.
Marriage is beyond being saved now. It needs to be rebuilt.
"Remember the law of my servant Moses, the statutes and ordinances that I commanded him at Horeb for all Israel. Behold, I will send you Eli'jah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the LORD comes. And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the land with a curse." (Mal. 4:4-6)
For some good resources on family, marriage, and fatherhood, please visit the sites listed below:
Marriage - Unique for a Reason
For Your Marriage
Family Life Center International
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