This is not an uncommon train of thought these days. But how well considered is it? How much thought do people really put into it?
I'm gonna subtly get right to the point. Vasectomies are WRONG! Tubal ligations are WRONG! Contraception is WRONG! I hope it is now clear for those of us that didn't know. It is actually very surprising how many people don't know now-a-days. I'm sure most of us know of someone that had a procedure to prevent children and doesn't think there's any problem with it. Well, part of the issue is lack of education, and the other part is false indoctrination by the mass media. You know, if the New York Times makes it seem like everyone is getting their tubes tied, then it must be okay. Right?
First of all, we need to remind ourselves that children are not a disease. We have procedures to prevent or treat diseases, not children. Please. Vasectomies and tubal ligations are a form of self mutilation. Remember, children are NOT a disease! Would you have your right hand surgically removed to prevent having any more children? No. Of course not. So why would you have your organs detached?
Second, let's take a good look at this issue and ask some real good questions. Does God think it is okay to get the big snip? Okay now, God created Man and Woman to become one in the conjugal act. Sex is meant to be the complete self-gift of one person in love to another within the bond of marriage. If one of the persons in the relationship is not fully giving of themselves then a gap remains. An emptiness remains. The bridge of complete communion from one person to another has not been crossed. It is at this point that sex becomes what it is to popular culture, an instrument for pleasure with the pleasure being the end in itself. And when pleasure is the end, then sex becomes a self-getting act as opposed to a self-giving act. If sex is now just a self-getting act then the person you are getting from becomes no more than an object for selfish use. Thus marriage has ceased to be an image of God's love for us. Because God only gives, he doesn't use us to "get" what he wants.

How about we try one more time. I mean, after all it doesn't specifically say in the Bible that contraception is wrong. You are correct! And it also doesn't say that God gave us brains, but we know he did, so let's use them to see what else God "didn't" say. Now, he did say, "You shall not kill." (Ex. 20:13) But what isn't God saying here? For every negative command of the 10 Commandments, there is a positive side that God ultimately desires for us to embrace, but because of the hardness of our hearts and heads, he had to just tell us what NOT to do, like little children. What God was intending with this command is that we do the opposite of kill -- give LIFE.
When a man and woman give completely of themselves to each other within marriage, new live is created. Not only in the form of a child, but in their relationship with each other and with others, and in the world. You want to know why the culture of death is so strong in our world and why 50% or more of marriages are ending in divorce? Contraception. Think about it. Married couples not REALLY loving each other and millions of children not being born. If spouses in a marriage become objects to each other, then what is to stop one of them from finding a more pleasurable object somewhere else?
Closing thoughts. Among couples using Natural Family Planning (NFP) the divorce rate is below 5%. This is because when used properly it encourages an openness to LIFE. I also must say that it is remarkable how a little baby can bring so much joy and renewed life to a family. I have never seen anything else like it.
For more information on the above topic please visit the following resources:
Undoing the Wrong that Threatens Marriage
Contraception: Why Not? by Janet Smith
The Hurtful Consequences of Artificial Contraception and Sterilization: Three Personal Testimonies
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