This past weekend I attended the Michigan All State Catholic Men's Conference (which was wonderful by the way), and while a friend and I were standing in a VERY long line for confession, it came to mind how important it is for people to remember the past. I have generally had a bad memory for most of my life (maybe I'm blocking it out for some strange reason). But when we look at Sacred Scripture we see that the Jewish people always had to be reminded of their past (i.e. Egypt, the Red Sea, wandering in the wilderness, etc.) whether it was them reminding themselves or God reminding them through a prophet. Is it not the same in the Catholic Church? We are reminded of our spiritual heritage every Sunday or more at Mass. We are reminded of Christ's Passion in the liturgy. Now if we stop there, then we miss so much. We have to be reminded of all of salvation history and why Jesus Christ came, died, and rose.
Remember that thou hast made me of clay;
and wilt thou turn me to dust again?
- Job 10:9
- Job 10:9